I citizen the loathsome
I have always been fascinated by the feeling you get when walking the streets alone real late at night. Sometimes you can slip through usually populated areas without coming across a soul, and if you do run across someone, its always filled with tensions/excitement/fear.

In this piece i put myself in the eyes of a person, compelled to patrol the nighttime streets in search a heroic deed to make himself whole in the daytime world.

Shooting the film involved setting the alarm at 3am and filming until around 4-5. It was filmed over the winter, so there was less chance of people being around to break a shot.

The tripod i used to film with was a old 1930s wooden beast with a step-motor attached. It is a cumbersome unit and because of the lack of light, each rotation would take around 4-5 minutes to capture. I could have used a 360degrees stills camera but the tests i made were lifeless and it seemed that you had to spend a little time soaking up the night to capture the images i wanted. This 5 minute period crouched under the tripod, not moving left me rather vulnerable when shooting.
Trolling around at that time, with a 15kg tripod slung over my shoulder, i came across junkies shooting up, couples fucking, homeless dudes thinking they can rob me of my shit then thinking twice as my large bulk came clearly into focus and on one shoot i was stalked by some dude for about half an hour, i recon he wanted to fuck not to fight.